Dental Veneers in NW Calgary

Dental Veneers Near You

Did you know there’s a treatment you can receive that can fix functional issues as well as cosmetic ones? Dental veneers can be customized to fit all sorts of smiles. By the time your appointment concludes, you’ll be left with nothing less than stunning, uniform teeth you’ll be proud to show off.

Contact a cosmetic dentist to find out more about this service. They will invite you in for a consultation to determine if this is the right choice for you. If not, they’ll help you select an equally effective alternative.

dental veneers in nw calgary

What are Veneers? What are They Made of?

A veneer is a shell cemented to your tooth to hide minor flaws. Porcelain is the most frequently used material for dental veneers because it is long-lasting and easily matches your natural tooth color. Each veneer is wafer-thin, so you won’t feel a difference once your treatment ends.

So, what can veneers address? A list is provided below:

  • Dark discoloration
  • Crooked or misshapen teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Make shorter teeth look longer

Ultimately, this service can make your smile look more natural while helping to improve your overall oral hygiene. To find out if you’re an ideal candidate for dental veneers, reach out to your NW Calgary dentist.

How are Veneers Applied?

  1. Evaluation. Your dentist will study the condition of your teeth physically and, if needed, with x-rays. This allows them to confirm if this is the most suitable option for your case. A customized plan is outlined to ensure your requirements are met.
  2. Preparation. A bit of your tooth enamel (around 0.5 mm) must be etched off, otherwise the veneers cannot fully stick. This measure makes the treatment irreversible. Impressions of your teeth that need veneers are taken and sent to a laboratory where they are made.
  3. Temporary Veneers. Temporary shells are provided to you to help protect your prepared teeth.
  4. Bonding. You’ll receive permanent veneers during a follow-up session. Their shade, size, and shape will be checked before they are applied with dental cement.
  5. Final Touches. Your dentist will polish your newly repaired smile to help your teeth shine. They will also go over instructions for caring for your veneers at home; with the right care, they can last up to 7-10 years.

Remember, acquiring veneers is not a substitute for daily brushing and flossing. Rather, it is a method that can boost your self-esteem and oral hygiene.

Avyan Family Dental: Your Oral Health Partner

It is never too late to get dental veneers near you and fall in love with your smile. Our team members will be with you from beginning to end to ensure everything goes smoothly. Call us at (587) 358-2160 or email to pick a date and time to come in and see us.
